EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 24 – MONDAY, APRIL 28: Our parish office/rectory has been temporarily relocated for asbestos removal and maintenance.  To access the parish office during this time, please go to our school building via the northwest doors and ring the bell.  Please also bring any mail to the school during this time.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Women’s Ministry – Saint Mary’s Women’s Ministry works to accompany and unite women in the parish through worship, service, and community opportunities.  Women are also invited to gather and build community in our newly renovated women’s ministry rooms: the Mary Room and the Martha Room.  Meetings and book studies are held regularly, with our official schedule posted in the bulletin. 

Knights of Columbus – The Knights of Columbus is a men’s group dedicated to offering support to the pastor and bishop, usually via special projects in the parish and the diocese. They raise money to with parish, diocesan, and pro-life causes through pancake breakfasts and spaghetti dinners; help with physical repairs around the parish, and offer assistance with decorating at Christmas and Easter.  Members must attend an initiation to join; and must be “practical Catholic men,” (if married, married in the Church; if single, living according to the laws of the Church; attend Mass regularly, and are faithful to Church teachings).  The Knights hold their monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesdays of the month in the Legion Room (the classroom down the hallway from Flynn Hall).

Legion of Mary  – The Legion of Mary is a group devoted to prayers and good works in the parish; members not only commit to praying the rosary on a daily basis, but also visit shut-ins, newcomers, and promote Marian devotions in the parish. St. Mary’s Legion meets every Monday at 6 pm and is always looking for active members.  If interested in  joining, please contact the parish office, 402-435-2125.

Adult Choir – Saint Mary’s Adult Choir, under the direction of Jane Plettner-Nielsen, provides special musical pieces and four-part harmonies.. While new members are always being sought, an audition is required first.  This is the real thing: choir members must be able to match pitch, follow movements, and sing in rhythm with the rest of the choir!  The adult choir sings at the 10:00 Mass on Sundays from September through May, and at Christmas Midnight, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and at Confirmation. If interest in joining, please call the parish office, 402-435-2125.

CCD Classes – CCD stands for the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.  Its purpose is to invite young people to come together on a weekly basis to learn about, and share, their faith.  St. Mary’s CCD classes are held on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:45 pm.  They are required for any student not enrolled in Catholic Schools as a means of preparing to receive the sacraments.  Our classes meet 32 times a year, in conjunction with the Lincoln Public Schools schedule.

OCIA – OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It contains various rites, some of them optional, for bringing adult converts into the faith.  Some of these rites are: the anointing of catechumens, the rite of welcoming, the Rite of Election, and the scrutinies.  The rituals involved generally take place in the weeks leading up to the Easter Vigil, when those who have not been baptized (catechumens) receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Holy Communion.

At the core of the OCIA are the instruction classes. Before making the commitment to join the Church and become a full member of the Catholic Faith, it is imperative that adults possess sufficient knowledge of what the Church teaches (about herself, Scriptures, God, mankind, and morality) so that their decision is fully informed and made with complete freedom.

We currently do not offer OCIA classes, but if you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact the parish office,  402-435-2125, and we can help you get connected with educational resources.

Food Net – St. Mary’s Food Net is part of the greater Lincoln-wide Food Net, in which volunteers pick up food which is still good but no longer at its peak and which would be thrown out by area grocery stores, and offers the food instead to all who come. It is intended to be both an assist to the needy and to reduce wastefulness (“fill stomachs, not landfills”).  Food Net volunteers generally begin working around 9:30am on Saturdays, with distribution of food on Saturdays at 11:30am.

Natural Family Planning – Please contact the Diocese of Lincoln’s Family Life Office, 402-473-0631

Retreats –  Please visit the website for Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat house for more information on upcoming retreats.

St. Vincent De Paul Society – If you need help with rent, please call 402-435-7968 (“Help You” on your phone dial).  Please visit their website for more information:  www.lincolnsvdpcouncil.org