Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Church!








Saturday: 4:00 PM

Sunday:  8:00 AM,  10:00 AM,  12:30 PM, & 5:00 PM


Monday – Saturday:  12:10 PM

Monday – Friday:   7:00 PM


Vigil (day before Holy Day): 4:00 PM

Holy Day:  7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM

(Check the bulletin for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, & Holy Week)


Monday – Friday:  11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Saturday: 11:00 AM-12:00 Noon,  3:00-4:00 PM,  6:00-7:00 PM

(Check the bulletin for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, & Holy Week)

Hearts Restored: Healing After Abortion

It’s time to restore your heart.  Find hope and support. Hearts Restored is Nebraska’s post-abortion healing ministry program open to any individual seeking healing, wholeness, and peace after the impact of abortion. Website: www.HeartsRestoredNebraska.com...

St. Mary Knights of Columbus Pancake Feed!

St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus will have their annual “all you can eat” pancake breakfast on Sunday, February 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Flynn Hall. The breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, eggs, orange juice, and coffee. A ‘free will offering’ is requested....

Parking for Mass

Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Church! 1420 K Street   |   Lincoln, NE We are located in downtown, Lincoln, across from the State Capitol. Our property consists of three buildings: the church, the office, and the old school building. For information on how to access...



Monday Through Sunday Parking

Church Parking Lot | 1420 K Street Lincoln, NE 68508

Our parking lot is available any day of the week for church related events.  On weekends, please reserve the lot for elderly and handicap.

Additional free weekend parking is in the L Street Parking Garage directly North of St. Mary.

You can access our parking lot from K Street (a one way).  At the traffic light, turn left into the narrow alley indicated by the blue arrow.

A fence gate leads from the parking lot to the front of the church.  The gate is indicated by the green triangle.

The vehicle exit for our parking lot is indicated by the yellow arrow. Please watch for pedestrians before turning right onto 14th street (a one way).

Saturday and Sunday Additional Parking

State Parking Garage | 1401 L Street Lincoln, NE 68508

During weekends, there is additional (free) parking in the state parking garage directly north of the church.   On weekends, please reserve the lot for elderly and handicap.

You can access the parking garage from L Street (a one way). (The entrance is indicated by the red pin). The access code to enter the garage is 1420#

Please park on levels 3 (ground level), 4, 5, or 6.

 You can walk out of the garage via the stairwell in the northwest corner (indicated by the blue triangle).  Take the sidewalk to the church (indicated by the arrows).

To drive out of the parking garage, use the exit that leads back to L Street (indicated by the red pin).  Type in the 1420# code to exit.


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