EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 24 – MONDAY, APRIL 28: Our parish office/rectory has been temporarily relocated for asbestos removal and maintenance.  To access the parish office during this time, please go to our school building via the northwest doors and ring the bell.  Please also bring any mail to the school during this time.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

CCD stands for the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.  Its purpose is to invite young people to come together on a weekly basis to learn about and share their faith.  St. Mary’s CCD classes are held on Sundays from 11:15 am until 12:30 pm.  They are required for any student not enrolled in Catholic Schools as a means of preparing to receive the Sacraments.  Our classes meet 32 times a year, in conjunction with the Lincoln Public Schools schedule. 

 To register please call the parish office at 402-435-2125