EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 24 – MONDAY, APRIL 28: Our parish office/rectory has been temporarily relocated for asbestos removal and maintenance.  To access the parish office during this time, please go to our school building via the northwest doors and ring the bell.  Please also bring any mail to the school during this time.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

The Mission of St. Mary Catholic Church is to worship, serve, and build communion in Jesus Christ, with Mary our Mother and guide.

When we pursue our Mission, we will build and sustain a Catholic community where parishioners feel connected, like they belong, and part of something bigger than themselves.  They will be both inspired and empowered to participate as proactive stewards of the parish.

To learn more about how the members of our leadership council serve the parish according to our mission, please visit our Worship page:


Apostolic Leadership Council Chairs and Co-Chairs
Fr. Walsh

Fr. Walsh


Melinda Pearson

Melinda Pearson


Ariel Adams

Ariel Adams

ALC Secretary

Bernice Polivka

Bernice Polivka


Ron Grose

Ron Grose

Care of St. Mary Campus

Clarissa & Vishnu Reddi

Clarissa & Vishnu Reddi

Community Space

Ryan Regnier

Ryan Regnier

Volunteerism Management

Brad Graham & Cathy Maestas  Graham

Brad Graham & Cathy Maestas Graham


Sue Kouma Johnson

Sue Kouma Johnson

Blessed Mother

Raquel Roberts

Raquel Roberts

Build Communion

Liz Werner

Liz Werner

Build Communion

Riley Bittner

Riley Bittner

Administrative Assistant