EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 24 – MONDAY, APRIL 28: Our parish office/rectory has been temporarily relocated for asbestos removal and maintenance.  To access the parish office during this time, please go to our school building via the northwest doors and ring the bell.  Please also bring any mail to the school during this time.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

My Stewardship Commitment

We were created to love!

We know from scripture that loving God means obeying Him (John 14:15). It is such a great blessing to know that God has planned for us to be involved in His work and that He wants us to be truly happy.

As stewards, our role is to submit our time, our talent, and our treasure to Him. Our stewardship booklet is designed to help you determine your development in these areas.

Please fill out and drop off the stewardship booklet below at the parish office, place in the collection basket at any of the Masses, or use the form below to submit your completed booklet via email.

Thank you and may God bless you!

Stewardship Form

Click this box to view the fillable PDF